This is general info about crypto regulation in Saint Kitts and Nevis. The more precise overview will be published later. However, if you find any inaccuracy or have other feedback - please write us in telegram @ilya_ii or by e-mail -
Saint Kitts and Newis is an island state (1) in Eastern Carribean with 54,338 population and 261 km2 area.
Saint Kitts and Nevis was the first country in the region, which had launched (2) an investment citizenship program in 1984. However, the price of Saint Kitts Nevis citizenship for a single applicant is $250,000 and this is 2,5 more than in Antigua and Barbuda ($100,000). It's interesting that founder of Telegram Pavel Durov got citizenship of Saint Kitts and Newis.
The country still doesn’t have digital nomad visa program. According to BuyGoldenVisa guide (3) tourists can visit the country without visa during 27-180 days depending on their citizenship. For a longer term it’s essential to apply for Electronic Entry Visa (EEV).